UFO Disclosure & The Drone Invasion: A Brief History of the First US Navy Initiative for UFO Disclosure Through UNGA - 2008-2010
How the US Navy spurred the First Initiative for UFO Disclosure through the United Nations General Assembly between 2008 & 2010
→ WikiLeaks Documents Reveal United Nations Interest In UFOs
UFO Disclosure & The Drone Invasion:
A Brief History of the First US Navy Initiative for UFO Disclosure Through UNGA - 2008-2010
By Robert D. Morningstar Publisher/Editor, TMR
With Clayton Pickering, Shawn Pickering, RJT & Myrna Coffino
This article is written to provide a historical background in response to questions that I’ve received regarding the mass drone sightings & UFO phenomena across the country (and the world), as well as to reply to many inquiries regarding the current stage of UFO Disclosure in Washington, DC.
On December 11th, 2024, our friend and colleague Barbara Honegger <bshonegg@gmail.cowrote:
Date: Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 11:20 PM
Subject: Re: Pentagon: New Jersey Drones neither foreign nor U.S. Military
To: RCH, Robert Morningstar, David Sereda
... The Pentagon has no evidence that the drones are foreign and said that they are not U.S. military aircraft ...
New Jersey mystery drones may be Iranian, congressman says
Jewish News Service JNS -- Dec. 11, 2024 -- By Andrew Bernard
Click this link below for more:
→ New Jersey Mystery Drones invasion Spurs Official Inquiry
Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh conducts a press briefing at the Pentagon, Oct. 15,
Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.) wrote a letter to U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday suggesting that recent sightings of unidentified drones over the Garden State may be the work of Iran.
The New Jersey congressman demanded that the president impose flight restrictions over the state and “neutralize” any drone that violates those restrictions, given the “circumstantial evidence that Iran” is responsible.
“We have information that a sea-based Iranian drone mothership is currently missing from port, and that its embarkation timeline would align with the appearances of the New Jersey drones,”
Van Drew wrote.
“While I remain open to alternate explanations, I have not been presented a single
credible, cohesive narrative except for that Iran is controlling these drones from offshore.”
Van Drew, who switched parties and became a Republican in 2020, repeated the claim in an interview on Wednesday with Fox News and said that his information came from confidential “high sources.”
“These drones should be shot down,” he said.
“Whether it was some crazy hobbyist that we can’t imagine or whether it is Iran, and I think it very possibly could be, they should be shot down.”
New Jersey residents first started reporting sightings of drones on Nov. 18, and the unidentified objects have now been seen over much of the state, prompting an FBI investigation.
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, a Democrat, has said that federal and state law enforcement agencies have determined that there is not “any concern for public safety” (if they don’t know what they are they CAN’T know this) but described the situation as “frustrating” and said he was taking the matter “deadly seriously.”
Murphy also said he believes that some of the reported sightings were misidentified small aircraft or repeated observations of the same vehicle.
Sabrina Singh, the deputy Pentagon press secretary, flatly denied Van Drew’s claim that the drones could be Iranian at the U.S. Defense Department’s press conference on Wednesday.
“There is not any truth to that,” she said. “There is no Iranian ship off the coast of the United States, and there’s no so-called ‘mothership’ launching drones towards the United States.”
Singh added that the Pentagon has no evidence that the drones are foreign and said that they are not U.S. military aircraft.
I wrote back to Barbara Honegger:
“The Pentagon has no evidence that the drones are foreign and said that they are not U.S. military aircraft.”
That's a very abstruse comment. I think those are just more official lies from the MILINT Complex, hinting at an alien presence without admitting anything.
Former FBI agent John de Souza forewarned us of the staging of this fake alien invasion back in October, on the 18th.
I remember the exact date because it was my birthday.
Thanks for the report.
Click the link below to see the best compilation of “Drone UFO” videos captured to date:
On December 11th, 2024, I received a message from our friend, Richard Hoagland.
The entire message is contained below, but we begin with a very simple question from Richard:
So ... are "they" telling us the truth about any of this?"
Hello, Richard, and friends,
Thanks for the question(s). → “Telling us the truth?”
Not exactly. The PTB (“Powers That Be”) are telling you partial "truth" and strictly following the protocols and constraints imposed by the National Security Act of 1948 and the strictures of the GREADA Treaty signed with the Alien Presence by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954.
Did the General Assembly ever consider UFOs?
In 1977 and 1978, at the request of Grenada, the UN General Assembly took up the issue of UFOs.
Included on the Assembly’s agenda for its 32nd and 33rd sessions was the item “Establishment of an agency or a department of the United Nations for undertaking, coordinating and disseminating the results of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena”.
While draft resolutions sponsored by Grenada in each session were not pressed to vote and were not adopted, the world body did adopt decisions 32/424 and 33/426.
In 1978, the General Assembly decided to invite “interested Member States to take appropriate steps to coordinate on a national level scientific research and investigation into extraterrestrial life, including unidentified flying objects, and to inform the Secretary-General of the observations, research and evaluation of such activities”.
Find links to both Assembly decisions here, courtesy of Ask Dag, the service catering to inquiring minds in Chinese, English, French and Spanish, at the UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
UN Photo/J. Grinde
United States astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins visit UN Headquarters in New York in 1969. (file)
A Brief History of the First US Navy Initiative for UFO Disclosure through UNGA (United Nations General Assembly)
Part I (2008-2010)
I'm taking this opportunity to provide a brief report for posterity regarding the first serious attempt at UFO Disclosure conducted by the US Navy between 2008 and 2010.
Back in 2008-2010, after reading some of my articles in UFO Digest, I and 2 colleagues were invited by people in the Pentagon to work with a UFO Disclosure project conceived by the US Navy, an in-house project that was implemented in secret to ty to force UFO Disclosure through the United Nations General Assembly.
This was done in an attempt to do an "end around" the CIA/Deep State's official anti-UFO Disclosure policy).
I was assigned to a Navy liaison officer, and then informed by the Navy officer in charge of the program that the ETs (aka The Controllers) had demanded that the USG tell the American public about UFO reality and of the Alien Presence on Earth.
I was informed that the Alien Presence wanted their existence to be known because they wanted to come out in the open to apply their technologies "to save the Earth" <sound familiar?> from a vast ecological disaster that would ensue in the year 2014 and following.
The Alien Presence also stated that if the USG did not comply with their demand, they would unilaterally begin to manifest with mass sightings in open skies near great cities around the world to show themselves publicly so as embarrass world leaders (exposing their mass deception of the world public) to put the lie to official denial of UFO reality and the Alien Presence on Earth.
The ETs demanded that UFO disclosure be completed by 2014 at the latest.
It's been a "slow go," but that "open skies" manifestation that the alien presence threatened in 2010 could be exactly what we are seeing now, or it could be the part of the staging of the "Fake Alien Invasion" scenario that we were forewarned about by Werner von Braun in the 1970s through his trusted assistant and confidant, Carol Rosin.
So for 2 years, 2008-2010, we battled the Deep State "black hats" (the Anti-UFO Disclosure faction of the MILINT/Secret Government), but they successfully infiltrated the UFO research community and found a couple of dupes to try to discredit our efforts.
That stalled the progress of the UN initiative, but we continued afterwards with a new cadre of officers working together (augmented now with a number of US Army colonels working with a Pentagon Special Study Groupon UFOs) to achieve the same goal.
The Navy group ultimately induced President Trump to run for office (through the Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Admiral Mike Rogers) and, after his election, to approve the partial UFO disclosure of December 2017, releasing the US Navy Tic-Tac videos and allowing a few whistleblowers to reveal "bare bones" information regarding the USS Nimitz and USS Theodore Roosevelt UFO encounters in 2004 and 2015.
That has slowly and methodically led us to the current initiative, which I dubbed the "Peek-a-Boo" UFO disclosure with a little UFO disclosure here and a little there, which is happening very slowly, as if in layers.
When we got stalled by counter-disclosure operatives within the UFO research community, our window of opportunity was closed because it was only for that brief period of time that for the first time in US military history, the US Navy had people at the top, at the pinnacles of command, i.e., as the heads of the 3 most powerful and preeminent military commands.
They were:
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Admiral Michael Mullins
Director of National Intelligence - Admiral Michael McConnell
CINC (Commander-in-Chief) of Central Command,- Admiral Dan Fallon.
This is how I met with Mazlan Othman, the first UN Ambassador for Outer Space Affairs in 2010 when I was invited to attend a UN ceremony to award The Leonov Medal to the new UN ambassador for UNOOSA.
Mazlan Othman - First UN Ambassador for Outer Space Affairs
October 14th, 2010=> Press Conference by Director of Office for Outer Space Affairs
Dumitru Pronariu (top) Former Chairman of UN COPUOS
UN Committee On Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS)
Presently Vice-chair of the UN COPUOS Working Group on “Space Agenda 2030”
→ Dumitru Prunariu, the only Romanian in space: I was the 103rd astronaut in the world then
For more details on COPUOS, click the link below
→ Copuos - Unoosa
COPUOS is a UN body that governs the exploration and use of space for the benefit of all humanity. It reviews international cooperation, studies space-related activities and legal problems, and reports to the General Assembly.
"Dr. Prunariu’s involvement is significant: since 2010 until 2012 he served as the Chairman of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS). Now he is a vice-chair of the UN COPUOS Working Group on 'Space Agenda 2030'. "
At the UN Leonov Medal Award ceremony, I also met the then Chairman of the UN Committee for Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Mr. Dumitri Pronariu, a former Romanian cosmonaut with whom (before the press conference) I had engaged in a friendly rapport regarding space travel, as he related his experience as a cosmonaut and briefly mentioned UFOs. I clearly recall that Mr. Pronariu mentioned that he still enjoyed vivid dreams of his space travels aboard Russian spacecraft.
Before the conference, I had also met UN Ambassador Mazlan Othman and introduced myself as a reporter, writer/editor for UFO Digest.
When I posed a question at the press conference to the moderator, Mr. Pronariu, I was very tactful with my question, and I avoided any mention of UFOs. It seemed to me that the Chairman was ready to "open up" a dialogue.
I asked Mr. Pronariu;
"Does the UN have any contingency plans in place for the prospect of encountering Life in outer space?"
Mr. Pronariu appeared pleased with the question. He took a deep breath and with a smile, Mr. Pronariu began to respond to the question, saying:
"The UN has many plans for the possibility of encountering life in outer space, whether it be microbial life, or perhaps even ..."
However, at that moment, Ambassador Othman interjected and cut him off, interrupting his reply to me in mid-sentence and then, addressing me directly, she bluntly said to me before the audience of dignitaries present and the press:
And I quote;
"Excuse me ... Let me say this ... Nothing related to UFOs will come to the floor of the UN General Assembly for discussion unless one of 3 scientific organizations approves it and brings it to the floor of the UN."
Then she listed them, citing :
"The International Association of Science,
The International Association of Aeronautics
or The International Association of Astronautics"
... Then, Ambassador Othman summed it up:
"If one of these organizations does not approve it, and sponsor it, nothing related to UFOs will be heard on the floor of the General Assembly."
That was the end of any discussion regarding "Life in Outer Space."
So there we have it:
Official, orthodox science and scientists are the gatekeepers of the UFO secret and enforcers of non-disclosure.
We're right back at stage one with the Brookings Institution's 1960s directive:
No UFO disclosure is allowed for fear of destabilizing the world, economically, religiously and, in my opinion, most importantly, psychologically.
Hayden Planetarium astronomer (and "Pluto-killer") Neil de Grasse Tyson was also present at the UN ceremony along with a high ranking member of the State Department who chaired the Science & Technology Office of the US State Department.
After the press conference, we gathered together for an informal tete-a-tete and I recall that having recently read an article about China's future plans for exploring and mining the Moon, I casually brought up the topic of "Mining on the Moon."
Both Neil de Grasse Tyson and the State Department officer were very quick to point out that there was/is a standing UN Treaty that prohibits any nation from claiming any lunar territory or mining the Moon.
I find it it very interesting, whether a synchronicity or a coincidence, that when you look at the name of the first UN Ambassador for Outer Space Affairs, Mrs. Mazlan Othman, and we just use the first letter of her first name coupled with her surname.
Someone recently asked me to look into Elon Musk's recent comments and proposal to set up "A Martian Technocracy” on Earth.
A friend of mine was not pleased at all to hear a report that Elon Musk has already ordered the manufacture of thousands (perhaps 50,000 units) of the first Neurolinks to begin implantation of Neurolinks into human beings, to which I say:
→ "You go first!"
On Thu, Dec 12, 2024 at 12:12 AM RCH <enterprisemission2001@yahoo.com> wrote:
So ... are "they" telling us the truth about any of this?"
Are they doing EXACTLY what they did with the "Arrow Report" a few weeks ago -- telling us in Code?
"Telling it ... slant." :)
The far more important question is:
WHEN will the Reality behind this building "ET Extravaganza" ... finally Break?
And ... "How?" … Stay tuned .... :)
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Dec.12th, 2024
When the Us Government signed the secret GREADA Treaty with the Alien Presence in 1954, the National Security State (aka The CIA/Deep State) signed-in on a double-bind situation. The first clause of the treaty is that neither the Aliens nor the USG will ever admit UFO reality or reveal The Alien Presence to the American people or the world at large.
The USG cannot admit the existence of UFOs or the Alien Presence without breaking their secret treaty and so its classification as “Above Top Secret” has led to a long history of maintaining secrecy through official lies, propaganda and mass public deception.
Somewhere along the way, the 1948 CIA/Deep State of Official Secrecy morphed into the 2024 CIA/Deep State of Official Lies.
Forced to prop up that false history perforce the GREADA Treaty, the USG and the CIA/Deep State have been rendered incapable of telling the American people the Truth.
Hence, their predicament, which is a classic double-bind situation.
The CIA/Deep State should quite rightly be:
“Damned if they Do, Damned if the Don’t!”
I was talking about Mark Twain last night on a radio show with a pirate radio station (→ Robin Hood Pirate Radio) in South Korea and I quoted one of my favorite MT sayings:
"When you tell the Truth, you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain
Cheers, Signed →Robert
From: Clayton Pickering To:→ M
December 12th,2024 (12/12/2024)
Hi Robert,
A very good brief summation on the 2008 UN/Navy initiative regarding "Disclosure." Indeed, the Navy not the Department of the Navy had the unique opportunity to broach UNOFFICIALLY the UFO phenomena on February 12, 2008 at the United Nations.
The chess pieces were in play not only to push for Disclosure but more importantly UNAMBIGUOUS contact provided there was NO public meltdown to the revelation we are not alone in the cosmos.
That target date for contact was in 2017.
Interestingly what did happen, though ambiguous to the science community, was the discovery on October 2017 of the first celestial object to enter our solar system namely Oumuamua.
Dr. Avi Loeb the lead astronomer at Harvard University believes Oumuamua to be the first artificial extraterrestrial object to make its appearance.
Moreover, what transpired immediately on November of 2017 was the formation of AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program).
Furthermore, the timing on the release of the film "Arrival" on September 2, 2016 (DVD release on 2017) appears to be in preparation for Unambiguous contact.
With this being contemplated on I cannot stress enough that extraterrestrial contact with the human specie must be UNAMBIGUOUS. Anything short of this must be measured as a possible technological manipulation by our earthly power elites.
Please read Dr. Carol Rosin's information on this matter.
Clay Pickering
From: Robert Morningstar
To: Clayton Pickering
December 12th,2024 (12/12/2024)
Dear Clay,
Thank you for that update.
You, Brother Shawn and our friend and colleague "The Squid" (aka "Source A") did a great service for the nation and we would not have made it this far toward UFO Disclosure in Congress were it not for the groundwork we provided and, more importantly, the many sacrifices that our Navy Team made to push and press that First initiative forward.
And we cannot forget the support we received from Myrna Coffino, our ‘emissary’ at the UN,who graciously introduced me to UNOOSA Ambassador Mazlan Othman and to COPUOS Chairman Dumitru Pronriu.
Finally, to “The Squid”
"Well done!" ... Onward.
Banned Video - INFOWars
Daniel Liszt, The Dark Journalist, Lays Out BEYOND Critical Information In MUST-WATCH Interview …
The UAP/UFO Invasion May Be Used To Trigger NorthCom's Continuity Of Government National Emergency Powers To Stop Trump
December 13, 2024
The Alex Jones Show
Click here: → THE DARK JOURNALIST & ALEX JONES - Banned Video
Former FBI Agent John De Souza warned Clayton Morris
about Deepstate plans to foist a Fake Alien Invasion 2 months ago on ReDacted
just as Wernher von Braun & Carol Rosin forewarned us many years ago.
From: JFK888
Date: Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 1:32 AM
Subject: New Jersey Mayors Demand Drone Investigation
To: MJ-13
→ https://www.offthepress.com/new-jersey-mayors-demand-answers-over-drone-sightings-over-towns/
Drones Now Seen in Philadelphia Area and Delaware Valley
Glen Beck on Drones
UFO Historian Richard Dolan Sums Up the History of The “Government/Mass Media Drone Narrative.”
New Jersey Drones - The Plot Thickens
Richard Dolan Show - Friday, Dec. 13, 2024
The New Jersey "drone" mystery continues to deepen.
What is going on? Why haven't we recovered them?
Why isn't the US government being transparent about this?
Are we dealing with foreign adversaries or genuine UAP?
What's the deal?
The Morningstar Report (TMR) is a Free News Report published by Robert D. Morningstar (RDM) to fight corporate and government corruption and to promote the public good.
This article was written, compiled and edited by Robert D. Morningstar.
With Many Thanks to Barbara Honegger, Richard Hoagland, Clayton & Shawn Pickering, John Francis, RJT, and Myrna Coffino for their inspiration & contribution to this article.
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Robert D. Morningstar @ The Secret Space Program - Breakaway Civilization Conference in San Mateo, CA - June 7th, 2014
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Hawks Nest
Rep. Jeff Van Drew should be sent to Guam until it tips over.