Facing Reality: How The New World Order Infiltrated and Suborned "The Company" (CIA) to Form a Global Cabal
Featuring Emanuel Pastreich's FEAR NO EVIL - A Strange Coin of Dubious Value
By Robert D. Morningstar (RDM), Publisher/Editor of TMR
My friend “BB” (aka Bruce Brychek) recently wrote with some important questions:
On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 12:35 PM bpbrychek@yahoo.com <bpbrychek@yahoo.com> wrote:
Best Regards all/you/yours.
2005, as a white male Jesuit Roman Catholic, Irish/Polish/Scot from Chicago w/ no preconceived ideas/loyalties, etc., I began reading/reviewing/studying as I could more about Israel & related issues.
I have many Hebrew/Israeli/Jewish friends & have academically argued w/ The Simon Wiesenthal Group about their focus on Low Level Nazis. My interest partially narrowed to
Why did the CIA, the Dulles brothers, & John J. McCloy, under Operation Paperclip, knowingly allow/assist Adolph Hitler, Martin Bormann - Nazi Finance, Heinrich Miller - Nazi Security, Hans Kammler - Nazi Secret Research, Bell Helicopter, & Slave Labor (among thousands of others) safe passage to Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, & the U.S., etc.?
Bye the bye, how many realize that the Dulles Brothers & McCloy arranged for the pardon of 70,000 convicted Nazis.
The New Germany & The New CIA Globally outside of the U.S. were staffed w/ Nazis.
2006 I read Joel C. Rosenberg's book EPICENTER, then required CIA reading.
Critique me Pro vs. Con w/ applicability then vs. now ?
Thanks... Thoughts... ???
I found Bruce’s questions to be cogent, direct and most important in understanding world politics and current affairs nationally and inside the US Government, especially, within the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex and “The Uniparty.”
So I responded with this article
Hello, Bruce,
What people have to understand is that while Hitler was at odds with Eastern European Jewry (and Slavs),he was very forbearing and fatherly with Zionists because they espoused the same goal that he did, which was to force Jews to leave Germany.
When I say that Hitler was "'fatherly" with German Zionists, I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being literal, which is why some people call Hitler -> "The Father of Israel.".
In order to expedite the Jewish emigration process, Hitler signed an agreement with the German Zionist, called "The Haavara Agreement" in Hebrew and "The Transfer Agreement" in English.
It was a brilliant plan that gave birth to the modern State of Israel with Hitler's blessing.
When Hitler took power, he banned all Freemason lodges and Jewish social organizations EXCEPT the Zionists.
Through The Haavara Agreement (or The Transfer Agreement), Hitler and the Nazis permitted any German Jew who emigrated to Palestine to do so freely, but without taking their property, holdings or their money.
What he did instead was to give emigrating Jews vouchers for their property, holdings, funds, which they could use in Palestine like money but only to purchase German goods.
The agreement began on August 25th, 1933
Hitler used trade with the Zionist camps (kibbutzim) that they formed in Palestine to soften the impact of the global boycott that "world Jewry" (as it referred to itself in its own newspapers) had declared on German products starting in 1933.
→ This Day in Jewish History Jews Start Boycott of Nazi Germany
On March 20, 1933, efforts got under way in both Poland and the United States to initiate economic boycotts of Nazi Germany. Within several years, boycott movements had been started by Jewish communities - although they were not limited to them - in a number of countries around the world. Violence against Germany's Jews began right after ...
Zionist were avowed Marxist Socialists and their leaders wished to form, in the words of Avraham Stern (founder of Lehi and leader of The Stern Gang) a state based on "nationalist and totalitarian principles, and linked to the German Reich by an alliance" seeking military aid against the British Mandate in Palestine.
Wikipedia Biography of Avraham Stern:
Click here → Avraham Stern Biography
Founder of The Stern Gang
Avraham Stern was the founder of Lehi (sometimes called ‘The Stern Gang,” which operated as a terrorist cell under the British Mandate. in Palestine.
Lehi - a militant Zionist <terrorist> Group
Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈleχi]; Hebrew: לח"י – לוחמי חרות ישראל Lohamei Herut Israel – Lehi, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel – Lehi", sometimes abbreviated "LHI"), often known pejoratively as The Stern Gang,[10][11][12][13] was a Zionist paramilitary militant organization founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in Mandatory Palestine.[14][15][16]
— Wikipedia
Source: Click here → History of Lehi
“Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. It initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.[22]
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis, proposing a Jewish state based on "nationalist and totalitarian principles, and linked to the German Reich by an alliance".[22][23]
After Stern's death in 1942, the new leadership of Lehi began to move towards support for Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union[17] and the ideology of National Bolshevism, which was considered an amalgam of both right and left.[24][22]”
We can readily see that in their political ideology, the Zionists and Nazis believed in, espoused and admired the same political system, i.e., "national socialism" (spelled with a small "n" and small "s" to distinguish it from The 3rd Reich).
Now, let’s fast forward to April 1961 to study the Trial of Adolf Eichmann
Biography of Adolf Eichmann
Source: Click here → Biography of Adolf Eichmann
" The Eichmann trial was the 1961 trial in Israel of a major Holocaust perpetrator named Adolf Eichmann who was captured in Argentina by Israeli agents and brought to Israel to stand trial.[1] The capturing of Eichmann was criticized by the United Nations, calling it a "violation of the sovereignty of a Member State".
His trial, which opened on 11 April 1961, was televised and broadcast internationally, intended to educate about the crimes committed against Jews by Nazi Germany, which had been secondary to the Nuremberg trials which addressed other war crimes of the Nazi regime.[2] " - Wikipedia
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eichmann_trial
Notice the italics → "televised internationally." (Mine)
I would like to emphasize that I watched the Eichmann trial throughout the proceedings (on CBS TV) from the time of Eichmann's indictment to trial to sentencing to his execution (by hanging).
Below is a photo of the courtroom as Eichmann was sentenced to death.
Do you notice anything unusual for a courtroom?
Notice that Eichmann is isolated in a soundproof glass box, which might as well have been a "fish tank."
The Eichmann Trial - April 1961
Watching as a teenager and being accustomed to CBS TV’s Perry Mason as a typical court of justice, I wondered about that oddity, but I did not understand why Israel isolated Eichmann until my dear, late friend and mentor, Barry Chamish, an Israeli investigative journalist, began to educate me on real nature of "Labor Zionism" in 2017.
Barry Chamish - Investigative Journalist & Israeli Patriot
Barry Chamish informed me that Eichmann was sealed in a soundproof glass box, and forced to speak through a microphone controlled by the judge because the Israeli government didn't want Eichmann to speak openly in his defense nor did they want the world to know about The Haavara Agreement.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Haavara_Agreement
Click here → Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia
The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany,
Barry Chamish informed me that Adolf Eichmann, prior to his role in transporting Jews to concentration camps, had been put in charge of overseeing the emigration of German Zionist Jews to Palestine and that Eichmann had , in fact, gone to Palestine twice to live on a kibbutz in order to assess the success of the Haavara Transfer program.
Eichmann reported back to Hitler that the program was a great success and that the 3rd Reich should support it because the German Zionists kibbutzniks were highly motivated and "great people who are just like us."
It simply would not do, in the eyes and ears of the Israeli court and the Israeli government to let the world hear about Hitler's leniency with Zionists and support of their common goal, which was (up until to Kristallnacht i 1939) simply to force Jews out of Germany, and not necessarily to exterminate them.
So, Eichmann was kept in a soundproof box throughout the trial and portrayed as a heartless killer, which, of course he did become during the course of WW2.
The point that I am making is that politically and ideologically Zionists and Nazis are of one heart in their political philosophy.
So the term "ZioNazi" is neither an insult, a misnomer, nor a curse. It is simply a statement of fact, that Labor Zionism and Nazism share the same political philosophy and the same world view (Weltanschauung).
And personally speaking, I see "No daylight" between "Master Race" and "Chosen People."
They are 2 sides of the same coin.
Bruce Brychek wrote:
Why did the CIA, the Dulles brothers, & John J. McCloy, under Operation Paperclip, knowingly allow/assist Adolph Hitler, Martin Bormann - Nazi Finance, Heinrich Miller - Nazi Security, Hans Kammler - Nazi Secret Research, Bell Helicopter, & Slave Labor (among thousands of others) with safe passage to Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, & the U.S., etc.?
In reply, I wrote to BB:
They assisted the paperclip Nazis because they were all Liberal Socialists, which became a vogue (I would call it a conceit) amongst "the elite" and the self-styled intelligentsia on both sides of the Atlantic after 1938 when H.G. Wells wrote "The New World Order." Well’s book led to the coagulation of British Fascism under Oswald Mosely in England.
“Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before Them”…
Early 20th Century Illuminati Predictive Programming in Mass Media
H.G Wells’ vision of “The New World Order” was foreshadowed in his 1936 Sci-Fi classic “The Shape of Things to Come,” which was a huge, global British psy-op to prepare the British and American public for the coming age of global fascism.
The son of the archetypal fascist leader in the film (“John Cabal”) was named →“Oswald Cabal.”
<Please read the message from Senator Rand Paul, appended below>
“Wells’ central message is that totalitarianism is a good thing as long as scientists are in charge.” - Wikipedia
It is not a coincidence that that the scapegoat chosen by the CIA in the JFK assassination was also named “Oswald.”
Shown below, Cord Meyer, American Presidential Candidate of the United World Federalist Party in 1948.
The concept of The New World Order became the inspiration in the United States for the post-war "United World Federalist Party" directed by their 1948 presidential candidate, none other than Cord Meyer, "the man who would be president" (but failed), only to be be recruited by the CIA in 1950 to become the CIA's Director of MK-Ultra Mind Control Programs.
Cord Meyer discussing NATO’s 40th Anniversary on C-Span
Click the link → Cord Meyer discussing NATO's 40th Anniversary on C-Span
That is how the socialist agenda of the "United World Federalist Party," which espoused the creation of "The New World Order" became the official operational policy of the Central Intelligence Agency under Allen Dulles and Cord Meyer, "the man who would be President," whose aspirations were foiled by John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Allen Dulles was not happy in 1962 when JFK fired him over The Bay of Pigs Fiasco.
With regard to H.G. Wells’ Socialist suggestion that it would be “a good thing” to have scientists running the world:
Please read Senator Rand Paul’s message about Anthony Fauci below:
Rand Paul Review 19h → Rand Paul Review
Covid-19 is officially exposed as a US Govt project.
A virus engineered by US scientists using a bio lab in China.
We know Fauci never treated a single patient with Covid-19.
Fauci said people would give up on their “ideological bullshit" if governments made it difficult for people to live regular lives.
He insisted the "vaccine” should be forced on people, regardless of their objections.
We know Fauci lied about the efficacy of these so-called “vaccines.”
We know he lied about gain-of-function research.
He lied about experimenting on puppies.
The DOJ MUST prosecute Fauci immediately.
Candace Owens compares Fauci to Nazi doctor Josef Mengele in shocking tweet after fury over horror dog experiments
Click this link → 'PURE EVIL' Candace Owens compares Fauci to Nazi doctor Josef Mengele in shocking tweet after fury over horror dog experiments H. J. Hayes
X - Save Rafah
Rafah Meets the Psychopaths
Winter Watch - May 31
New IDF thirst trap video just dropped and it is Must watch… pic.twitter.com/6C2s1eHLFt — Greg J Stoker (@gregjstoker) May 31, 2024
I now yield the floor to Emanuel Pastreich.
You can read the following article on Substack.com:
A Strange Coin of Dubious Value
This tiny brass coin (3.5 centimeters in diameter) features a Star of David, with the words “A Nazi travels to Palestine,” on one side and a swastika on the other.
The coin is a relic left behind from a twisted alliance between Zionist Jews who saw the Nazis drive to get rid of Germany’s Jews as an opportunity encourage immigration to Palestine.
One of them, Kurt Tuchler, a judge and central member in the Zionist Federation of Germany, reached out to Nazi officials to see if there might be common ground. There was, and plenty of it.
Tuchler found an ally in Leopold von Mildenstein, the head of the Jewish Desk at the security service of the SS.
Tuchler encouraged Mildenstein to take a trip to Palestine, then under British rule, hoping that Mildenstein, also known as a writer, would compose a travel record arguing why this location was an appropriate place for Jews to immigrate to.
Tuchler and Mildenstein travelled to Palestine together in 1933. Subsequently Mildenstein, who was an accomplished author, wrote at length about the efforts of Jews to fulfill a Zionist dream by developing backwards Palestine in a record of this journey.
The material was seized upon by Joseph Goebbels, the minister of propaganda, who used it to demonstrate that the Nazi stance towards Jews was justified by the thinking of the Jews themselves.
Mildenstein wrote twelve essays, under the title “A Nazi travels to Palestine,” that appeared in the Nazi mouthpiece Der Angriff ("The Attack") in 1934. Goebbels wanted to show the overwhelming approval of the Nazi Party for the immigration to Palestine of Jews.
The Nazi Party produced these brass coins as a free gift to anyone who purchased a subscription to the magazine.
The grotesque cooperation between Zionist political operatives and fascists who were determined to destroy the Jews, to blame them for every ill in society, did not end in 1934.
Sadly, we see the same abominable covert alliance between Zionist politicians, who would force Jews to choose their militant side for survival, and fascistic forces, whether the antisemites advocating the “great replacement theory” in the US, the ultranationalists in Poland, Hungary, and Russia who attack Jews, or the antisemitic political campaigns against Jews carried on in the Middle East as a means to distract from the extreme concentration of wealth. That choice is being forced on people by active collaboration with these reactionary forces.
These twisted alliances form the backbone of an organized drive to force Jews in Israel, and around the world, to fall back on the defenses of a sophisticated military, industrial, IT, intelligence complex headquartered in Tel Aviv that is absolutely ruthless.
This time, the war on Gaza is ground zero for the plan to create such a backlash against Jews globally that these mercenaries will have enormous business opportunities protecting Jewish populations in Israel, and literally everywhere in the world.
For a detailed description of the dangerous moves by the Israeli right to cultivate relations with the far right around the world, see Antony Loewenstein’s article “Palling around with anti-Jewish bigots: Israel's deep and growing ties to the global far-right reflects a disturbing comfort with extremism”
Antony Loewenstein
Palling around with anti-Jewish bigots
Partnering with anti-Semites may seem like a strange association for Israel. And yet it’s increasingly a key aim of an Israeli government that’s looking for friends wherever they can find them. Here’s just the latest example from this month: On further inspection, this kind of deal-making has been part of Israel’s foreign policy for decades. In my…
10 days ago · 12 likes · Antony Loewenstein
Loewnenstein notes,
“These alliances are sometimes based on convenience - eg. Israel wants to sell weapons or surveillance tech and doesn’t care who’ll use them - or at times is more ideological with like-minded partners who are anti-gay, anti-refugees, anti-Islam, anti-feminist and yes, anti-Semitic.
This upcoming conference in Spain will reveal some of the most vocal backers of Israel in the world (beyond Western states such as the US, UK etc); far-right extremists, including with neo-Nazi backgrounds, who traditionally loathe Jews.
At a time of mass carnage in Gaza and rampant colonial criminality in the West Bank, the idea that Israel is increasingly partnering with extremist political parties from the West to India is a deep cause of concern and must be robustly challenged.”
What is clear is that this dangerous, even treasonous, activity has a long history, dating back to the twisted friendship of Kurt Tuchler and the SS leader Leopold von Mildenstein.
This coin was sold at the Israeli auction house CollecTodo in 2001 (source).
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Robert D. Morningstar @ The Secret Space Program - Breakaway Civilization Conference in San Mateo, CA - June 7th, 2014
Excellent! Will be SHARED during this week's NEWS stream.
Happy Sailing - CLJS
Hi Robert
Some recommended reading and watching.
Watch: 9/11 Alchemy - Facing Reality
Link: https://rumble.com/v42pr22-911-alchemy-facing-reality.html
9/11 Planes: Layers of Deception
Facing 9/11 Reality - No more games
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-planes-layers-of-deception
9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline
"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline
Is the 9/11 "truth" movement a distraction movement?
What happens if you ask TRUTH questions?
Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/questions-for-the-911-truther-talking
Building 7 on 9/11: Greasy Gage, Lucky Larry & the Anomaly
Video: https://rumble.com/v59p0wc-building-7-on-911-greasy-gage-lucky-larry-and-the-anomaly.html